Marketing Consulting | Reframed Marketing & Design
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Reframed Consulting Services


Not sure where to go next with your business? We can help. We'll meet with you one-on-one to take a look at your business as a whole and see what is missing. There's a lot of misinformation out there and it can be hard trying to figure out how to best market your business and take it to that next level.


Here are some of the items we may cover during one of our consultations:


Your Audience - How to determine your target customers 

Business Branding - How you should look to your customers

Google AdWords (PPC) - How to advertise online using search engines

Social Media Ad's - How to advertise on social media platforms

Return on investment (ROI) - What to expect from your marketing efforts

Media Buys - How to advertise using various television and radio outlets


If you would like to schedule a consultation please fill out the short questionnaire below and we will reach out to you as soon as possible:

Below are some other items we may go over during one of our consultations:





Strategizing involves taking an overall look at your business marketing, and branding plans, whether you have one or not, and discussing options to draw more business, grow, move into the future, and ultimately expand your influence. Reframed takes the time necessary to answer all your questions and starts with a foundation for your business.


Finding your Niche / Targeting Maximum-Return Objectives


As we call it, “Let’s cut the fat and get to the meat and potatoes of your business”. What is it that sets you apart from your competitors? What does your business excel at? What product or service brings in the most revenue for your business? Where do you want to improve? What would you as a business owner like to focus on building, growing or expanding in your business?


The Priority of Conversion vs. Traffic


Now that we have all this attention drawn to our business we have to ask ourselves - Are we locking-in leads/new customers? Are we converting traffic into loyal customers? Are we providing a product/service that customers will remember? How are we connecting our customers to our brand/business?  Here we discuss the priority of converting “drop-ins” or “window shoppers” into loyal customers.




A goal without a plan is just a wish, plain and simple. Here we discuss everything from goals, timelines, meetings, visual and text content, discussing marketing/branding resources and budgets, and taking a deep look at the research to determine the products/services needed to facilitate growth.


Monitoring Results / Tweaking the Strategy as Necessary


After we have put the plans into action - Are we done? Do we just leave it alone? Of course not. Results must continually be monitored, tweaked, and optimized to meet the needs of our growing customer base. Here we dig into the numbers, conversion rates, leads, reviews, etc. to determine if our plan is working and adjust as necessary to reach our goals.


Staying Focused on Business Goals / Releasing Creative Control


Here we talk about staying focused on your business goals at hand and not letting the job of Marketing, Digital Marketing and Branding takeover your mind. A lot of information has been discussed over the research and planning stages. We now need to build a partnership and trust that we are committed to helping your business succeed. We also discuss releasing some creative control, but limiting our control by seeking your approval of any changes we make along the way.


Taking the Load Off


Here we discuss the workload involved in this entire process and explain how most business owners do not have the time, motivation or resources to take on this venture alone. Business owners have a business to run and if they get too bogged down with every last detail, they cannot be the owner they were meant to be. Taking too much on as a business owner can also weigh on the quality of products or services you are providing your current and future customers.


Reframed Marketing & Design


Mailing Address Only

7950 Dani Drive, Suite 140 #90

Fort Myers, FL  33966




Mon - Fri: 9AM - 5PM

Sat - Sun: CLOSED


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